Junior Master Artist
Programme IDAEP0620695
Programme TypeWorkshops
Recommended Size 20 - 40
Language English
Programme Format On-site, Digital
Cost $48.00 Per student
Primary Art Form - Sub-Genre Visual Arts - Art History/Theory, Painting
Student Profile Primary Lower, Primary Middle, Primary Upper, Secondary Lower, Secondary Upper
Secondary Art Form - Sub-Genre -
Venue (where applicable)
Programme Synopsis Junior Master Artist is a creative visual art execution that will bring pupils through a journey to appreciate visual arts and different art techniques using references from famous artists like Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, Paul Klee, Romero Britto and many more. Students will get to take inspiration from famous artists' paintings and turn it into your own Cubism, Abstract, Impressionism or Pointillism paintings. Learn about their techniques by exploring wide range of materials and mediums. We believe in the importance of creative process and this programme is designed to integrate art-making with art history. The art styles to be covered will first be discussed with the school to determine the most suitable ones based on their ages and prior art experiences. The course is available onsite and as live online lessons, either in their classrooms or individually.
Focus Areas Acquire Skills & Knowledge, Articulate Thoughts & Ideas
Point of Emphasis Not applicable
Lesson Goal #1 Developing imagination and creativity through Visual Arts and famous artists
Lesson Goal #2 Learn painting techniques
Lesson Goal #3 Learn different art styles
Audio/Sound System, Visualiser
Cost is based on 6 hours (6 x 1 hour or 3 x 2 hours per session). Cost will vary according to number of hours of training. The lessons can be customised to be covered within 4 to 8 hours. Additional GST charges apply to all costs.
The Tote Board Arts Grant was introduced in 1995 to
encourage the development of a vibrant arts culture in schools, and to promote
arts appreciation amongst students.
Each year, all MOE schools and ITE Colleges may opt-in to
receive the Arts Grant. Schools may use the grant to subsidise the purchase of
programmes under the NAC-AEP and for the Artist-in-School Scheme (AISS).
All approved programmes are listed on the NAC-AEP
Directory and come with a valid Letter of
To purchase this programme, contact the representative
listed on the Programme Detail Page and make contractual arrangements directly
with the programme provider.
Please ensure that a valid Letter of Eligibility (LOE) is
obtained. Note that MOE procurement guidelines apply.
Payment should be made directly to the programme
provider. Claims for the Arts Grant should be made via IFAAS and in accordance
to Grant Guidelines.
Programme providers are
permitted to make changes to the following aspects of an NAC-AEP, according to
the school’s needs:
- Programme duration, including no. of sessions
- Cost of programme
- Class size
Under the above conditions,
schools can make claims based on revised programme costs using the same
Programme ID listed on the Letter of Eligibility (LOE).
The following changes
are not permitted when customising programmes:
- Changes to content
- Inclusion of non-approved instructor(s)
Offered by:
360 Education Pte Ltd
Founded in 2009 as a joint venture with renowned TV artist Oistein Kristiansen, 360 Education has been training thousands of students and teachers each year in creative visual art. We are a founding member of BigArt!, an initiative supported by the NAC.
Bihan Hamdali
Visit provider page
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