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Programme IDAEP0420516
Programme TypePerformance
Recommended Size 10 - 400
Language English
Programme Format On-site, Digital
Cost $495.00 Per session $695.00 Per hour
Primary Art Form - Sub-Genre Literary Arts - Storytelling, Performance Poetry/Spoken Word
Student Profile Primary Lower, Primary Middle, Primary Upper, Secondary Lower, Secondary Upper
Secondary Art Form - Sub-Genre -
Venue (where applicable)


Programme Synopsis A programme of age-appropriate stories with the content (themes) and delivery tailored to suit your occasion/audience. Each story usually lasts between 8 - 10 minutes, so expect 3-4 in a 30 minute programme. The performance can be delivered in person, or via zoom*. Delivered live allows for greater physical interaction - in the form of actions, call-and-response, chorusing - which is hugely popular with with lower primary audiences particularly. Zoom allows for greater immediacy - especially when using props or visuals for example, as they are clearly seen by the camera. The programme is usually 30 minutes, but can happily extend to 40 minutes (lower primary) and 50 (upper primary/secondary on zoom, or one hour live.) My style is energetic and often comedic - although I am Merdeka-generation Singaporean, I am a very animated and engaging teller in performance. Thanks to my theatre background, I present my characters both physically and vocally. I often use props, pictures, puppets (for younger audiences) and even incorporate sign language to provide a visual element Common themes are the popular school values - stories to be with R.I.C.E., harmony, teamwork, sharing, positive thinking, STEAM. Curating the programme for you is part of the fun for me which keeps it fresh - Timeless Tales is rarely the same show in two different schools (or for two different age levels!) If I don't have a suitable story in my repertoire, I love hunting for one and extending my repertoire. * (For a selection of pre-recorded single stories, that can be viewed at a convenient time for each teacher and class, please see Roger's AEP digital programme, THE STORY STREAM.
Focus Areas Articulate Thoughts & Ideas
Point of Emphasis Not applicable
Lesson Goal #1 Communicate the value inherent in the story. Each story for a specific value but this varies from story to story.
Lesson Goal #2 Encourage the students to connect the story to their own life - this is not something from far away and long ago.

Audio/Sound System, Microphone

The Tote Board Arts Grant was introduced in 1995 to encourage the development of a vibrant arts culture in schools, and to promote arts appreciation amongst students.

Each year, all MOE schools and ITE Colleges may opt-in to receive the Arts Grant. Schools may use the grant to subsidise the purchase of programmes under the NAC-AEP and for the Artist-in-School Scheme (AISS).

All approved programmes are listed on the NAC-AEP Directory and come with a valid Letter of Eligibility.

To purchase this programme, contact the representative listed on the Programme Detail Page and make contractual arrangements directly with the programme provider.

Please ensure that a valid Letter of Eligibility (LOE) is obtained. Note that MOE procurement guidelines apply.

Payment should be made directly to the programme provider. Claims for the Arts Grant should be made via IFAAS and in accordance to Grant Guidelines.

Programme providers are permitted to make changes to the following aspects of an NAC-AEP, according to the school’s needs:

  • Programme duration, including no. of sessions
  • Cost of programme
  • Class size

Under the above conditions, schools can make claims based on revised programme costs using the same Programme ID listed on the Letter of Eligibility (LOE).

The following changes are not permitted when customising programmes:

  • Changes to content
  • Inclusion of non-approved instructor(s)

Offered by:

Roger Jenkins Storyteller

Promoting Mr Jenkins services (& independent artists as required), in Storytelling, Puppetry, Creative Writing, Poetry & Reader's Theatre. Given his theatre experience, he also offers Improvisation & Mask training. Sessions can be live, live via zoom, or pre-recorded on www.storystream.com.sg


Roger Jenkins 91761499 roger@rogerjenkins.com.sg   Visit provider page

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